USMX Pilot
Pilot Identifies multiple Issues that impact the efficiency of the Port and payment of member fringe benefits and national dues.
During "Discovery" for the USMX funded Pilot Port project in Charleston, SC, DDI employees interviewed ILA presidents, port employers, craft-based dispatchers, shipping association managers and pension and welfare managers. The issues DDI identified below were determined to have a direct impact on the efficiency of the Port, payment of member fringe benefits and national dues.
Harbor Watch Dispatch software addressed and solved the following problems:
- No nationally established performance guidelines
- No transparency or accountability
- No seniority guidelines or continuity among maritime locals in separate ports
- No continuity of job titles or OCC Codes in any ILA local
- No continuity rules and rights
- Disorganized Work Order Distribution
- Undocumented Job Certification Point of Hire
- Primitive Document Storage
- No record of worker job history at “Local” level
- Antiquated Dispatch Methods all Ports
- Complex Hiring rules and Rights
- Obsolete Communication methods
- Improper tracking Container Royalty Fees
Harbor Watch Pilot resolves worker inefficiency for employers
Employer notified by text at point-of-hire if worker's job certifications did not meet job requirements
Employers provided with interactive Work Order system that transmitted Job Orders directly to Local Hiring Board
ILA Member Training documented on line and at point-of-hire (i.e. EEO, Safety, Sexual Harassment, etc.)
Dispatch Orders with member's photos provide better employer identification and enhance Port security

Harbor Watch Pilot Identifies Significant Errors and Omissions
During USMX Pilot Harbor Watch identified significant revenue losses due to errors and omissions. Software resolved the following issues:
Local Member Dues - Number of members paying ZERO dues to Int'l were identified. Errors International Royalty payments from member Container Royalty fees
National Member Dues - Annual Projected Loss from incorrect payment of Local membership dues to International ($18,000,000 to $24,000,000 per year)
Errors in employer payment of Local Dues - Revenue Loss
Errors in Fringe Benefit Misclassification - Revenue Loss